Monday 13 November 2017

In the Blink of an Eye

In the Blink of an Eye 1999 Post 318

In the Blink of an Eye is one of my favourites of my reading scheme books. This one plays with themes I've always enjoyed; some of which I'm using is books I'm writing currently. It's about family, human creativity, magic, talent, and fitting in. Tam is the child of a human father who works as a bricklayer and garden architect and a mother from a place called Otherworld. The honeymoon is over for Tam's parents, because, as her dad puts it, there's nothing in the world he can do that his wife can't do as well, and better. What's more, she can do it in the blink of an eye. Now Tam spends some time with Dad, and some in Otherworld with Mum. But things aren't going well, because most Otherworlders come into their power at ten, and Tam is almost twelve. Mum has a problem, though, with a missing unicorn. She invites Tam to help her to look for it, but it turns out Dad is the only person who can save the day.
Unicorns, eh? I've always loved them. The first post in this blog was about a unicorn book, and now here's another one for post 318.


Sally is Sally Odgers; author, manuscript assessor, editor, anthologist and reader. She runs and Prints Charming Books. (Sally is me, by the way, and I am lots of other things too, but these are the relevant ones for now.)

The goal for 2017 is to write a post a day profiling the background behind one of my books; how it came to be written, what it's about, and any things of note that happened along the way. If you're an author, an aspiring author, a reader or just someone who enjoys windows into worlds, you might find this fun. The books are not in any special order, but will be assigned approximate dates, and pictures, where they exist. If you enjoyed a post, or want to ask about any of my books or my manuscript assessment service.

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