Friday, 17 November 2017

Drowned Planet

Drowned Planet 2008 Post 322

Drowned Planet is a manga-style graphic novel in the Arkies series. In this story, ARKMA, the sentient computer driving ARK3, gives the Arkies a new and different mission. Instead of checking out this planet to see if it's SR or Settlement Ready, Pace, Singer, Lyam and Merlinna are to check and see if it's RR, (Resettlement Ready). The four land on the watery planet and find clear evidence of acid rain and atmospheric damage in the past, but the planet seems to have recovered since the settlers left centuries ago. EarthNet, in the shape of Farla and Tench are, as usual, out to catch the Arkies, but someone else is also interested in them. Tryphon considers himself a god, and he wants company. Luckily, the Arkies have found a dead ship-brain and with a bit of science and imagination, they have the answer. Mind you, they're tempted to leave Farla behind...
The verdict? The planet itself is okay, but as long as Tryphon haunts the depths and has delusions of god-dom, the decision must be Not RR.


Sally is Sally Odgers; author, manuscript assessor, editor, anthologist and reader. She runs and Prints Charming Books. (Sally is me, by the way, and I am lots of other things too, but these are the relevant ones for now.)

The goal for 2017 is to write a post a day profiling the background behind one of my books; how it came to be written, what it's about, and any things of note that happened along the way. If you're an author, an aspiring author, a reader or just someone who enjoys windows into worlds, you might find this fun. The books are not in any special order, but will be assigned approximate dates, and pictures, where they exist. If you enjoyed a post, or want to

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