Friday 1 September 2017

Little Ragged Blossom goes to the Dance

Little Ragged Blossom goes to the Dance (1997) Post 245
Little Ragged Blossom goes to the Dance is one of the May Gibbs stories I retold under contract. It involves Snugglepot and Cuddlepie's friend Little Ragged Blossom's belief that her shabby dress means she can't attend a dance. Her friends help her out by introducing her to Lilly Pilly, an actress, who gives her a feather dress. Ragged Blossom has a lovely time. I did find the illustrations a bit of a puzzle in this one. Her blossom dress looked perfectly adequate to me (clearly I lack Nut and Blossom fashion sense). I'm also not sure about the clothes-maketh-blossom plot point here, but it was one of those cases where I had to stick to the original story-line. To change things would have meant it was no longer the same story.
This is one of just a handful of these books that I know made it to print. I think there are five of them... no idea whether or not the other eight were ever printed.


Sally is Sally Odgers; author, manuscript assessor, editor, anthologist and reader. She runs and Prints Charming Books. (Sally is me, by the way, and I am lots of other things too, but these are the relevant ones for now.)

The goal for 2017 is to write a post a day profiling the background behind one of my books; how it came to be written, what it's about, and any things of note that happened along the way. If you're an author, an aspiring author, a reader or just someone who enjoys windows into worlds, you might find this fun. The books are not in any special order, but will be assigned approximate dates, and pictures, where they exist. If you enjoyed a post, or want to ask about any of my books or my manuscript assessment service.

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