Thursday 27 December 2018

Hugo and Hero

Character Post 72: Hugo and Hero

Hugo is a fay horse who belongs to Sebastian "Baz" d'Chevalier. In appearance, Hugo is a dun of about fifteen hands. He has a pleasant nature, and is somewhat greedy. He's fond of carrots and one is never enough. He loves attention and being groomed. Most people who see him assume he's nine or ten years old and very well trained, since his master rarely bothers to halter him. On closer acquaintance, one might notice a few odd things about Hugo. He always chooses to graze closest to wherever Baz is. He has what Baz calls moods when he makes a lot of fuss in the stable. One of Baz' few rules is that no one ever goes near Hugo when he's in a mood. Longtime acquaintances of Sebastian and his wife Phillipa might also start to wonder just how old Hugo is. Baz brought him into the marriage and that's twenty-six years ago. Then there's Tarry... the subject of Character Post 73. 

Hero is considerably bigger than Hugo. He is heavier in the legs and neck, and he is almost the exact colour of polished brass, with an extra long mane and tail. It's difficult to get a good look at Hero, because he's always in action. There are no known photographs of him. It's possible Phillipa has had a go, but the result is likely to be a blur. Most people never get to see Hero, and if you ask Baz about him he'll look mildly puzzled and say courteously that maybe you had a little too much cider.

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