Wednesday 2 August 2017

The Buried Biscuits

Welcome to Sally's book-a-day-for-2017 blog. If unfamiliar with the blog, scroll down.

The Buried Biscuits- 2007 (Post 216)

The Buried Biscuits is the seventh story in the Jack Russell: Dog Detective series. Jack has another food-related case but that's not so surprising; he is a terrier, after all. Following on from Book #6, we see Foxie still obsessed with his stomach and a hint about Jack's previous interest in visiting Jill Russell at the station.

Jill Russell has a secret, and Foxie is as angry as a terrier can be. Someone tossed a packet of biscuits over Foxie's fence, and Auntie Tidge took them away. This means war. Since Foxie adores Auntie Tidge he has to fight with someone else- Jack.

Foxie and Jill aren't the only dogs acting strangely. Lord Red has found something interesting down at the reserve, and soon all the dogs of Doggeroo are playing hunt the biscuit. Bellyaches result, the vet is cross, and the dogs find themselves under house arrest.  All but Jill Russell, who is much too busy for biscuits, and somewhat paranoid as a result. Finally, Jack solves the case, but can he ever look at a biscuit again?

Also available on triple CD (along with The Sausage Situation and The Kitnapped Creature) from Bolinda Audio, read by the wonderful Alan King.

 About the Blog 

Sally is Sally Odgers; author, manuscript assessor, editor, anthologist and reader. She runs and Prints Charming Books. (Sally is me, by the way, and I am lots of other things too, but these are the relevant ones for now.)

The goal for 2017 is to write a post a day profiling the background behind one of my books; how it came to be written, what it's about, and any things of note that happened along the way. If you're an author, an aspiring author, a reader or just someone who enjoys windows into worlds, you might find this fun. The books are not in any special order, but will be assigned approximate dates, and pictures, where they exist. If you enjoyed a post, or want to ask about any of my books or my manuscript assessment service.

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