The Jack Russell Dog Detective series comprises twelve books. To keep track of everyone, we compiled the following list of characters... By the way... want Jack Russell Omnibus for Christmas? Check out the website for details
Ace is Jack
Russell’s mother, a very special senior Jack Russell. She appears in The Blue Stealer. Ace lives with Sarge’s
Mr Antikat. Also
known as “Chewy Shoes”. Ex-employee of Katya Gibbons. Mr Antikat kitnaps the
Awful Pawful and holds him to ransom. He stays at the Doggeroo Guest House near
Tina Boxer’s shop.
Auntie Tidge.
Miss Theresa “Tidge” Russell is Sarge’s aunt. She has a heart as big as
Australia and she loves Sarge and Jack. Her love is elastic. It effortlessly
stretches to include Foxie, Preacher, and Sarge’s friend (later fiancee/wife)
Caterina. Auntie Tidge moves to Doggeroo at the end of the first book to be
near Sarge, but she finds plenty to do in the community. She gardens, cooks,
joins Doggeroo District Fowl Club and generally
becomes indispensable. She is always available, but never pushy.

Barley is a
border collie belonging to Uncle Smith, Caterina Smith’s uncle.
Biscuits is
Jack’s name for Judge Gibbs, who judges the Doggeroo Dog Show in The Phantom Mudder. He’s a kindly man,
who gives biscuit treats to dogs. His wife, Katya, is not fond of dogs. She
prefers cats.
Blue is a blue
heeler, who appears in The Blue Stealer and
in The Ham Heist. He belongs to
Freddy Wysell originally, but later goes to live with Uncle Smith.
The Boneheads are
large, bulky dogs with more muscles than brains. They want to turn terriers
into toothpicks. Jack encounters them in The
Phantom Mudder. A bonehead in a bonnet appears in The Sausage Situation.
Mr Bootle – Muddy Boots.
The Boots (Brown
Boots, Old Boots and Shiny Boots) are
handymen who put up greenhouses and marquees and drive a delivery van. They
appear in The Ham Heist.
Butcher Beale is
the Doggeroo butcher. He has some trouble with Foxie in The Sausage Situation and again in The Ham Heist.
Caterina Smith. Caterina
Smith is introduced in the first book as Red’s owner. She lives at Uptown
House, and is quite well off. She finds excitable Red a handful, but is
generally a friendly and sensible person. Her uncle is a farmer out at
Jeandabah, so Caterina is experienced in country matters. Caterina goes to dog
shows and other events with Red. She is good friends with Auntie Tidge, and she
and Sarge get along well. In Fowl Play,
they begin courting. Their engagement party is in The Blue Stealer, and they marry in The Ham Heist. Caterina’s postcard telling Sarge about a pup she
has bought for her uncle rouses suspicion that she’s an art forger!
Chewy Shoes-
Jack’s name for Mr Antikat.
Mr Crisp is a
schnauzer owner in The Phantom Mudder.
The Decorator
house-sits for Caterina Smith in Inspector
Jacques. Caterina hired her to paint the kitchen while she and Red were
The Dog-Boggarts are
small children who frighten Preacher at the library and the school.
Dora Barkins is a
friend of Auntie Tidge. She adores her “boys”, three yaffling little dogs known
collectively as The Squekes.
Fat Molly. Molly
lives with the librarian, Kitty Booker. She is a grumpy white cat who holds her
own with the dogs. Her diet causes a problem for Foxie when she comes to stay
while Kitty is away. She shows an unexpected soft side when she befriends
Foxie. Mostly fox
terrier, Foxie is a street dog when he meets Jack. He has been living rough in
the yard of the empty police house. Foxie is a thief and a chancer, but becomes
Jack’s loyal sidekick. He thrives under the loving care of Auntie Tidge, but
never quite loses his insecurities. Foxie gets paw-sessive about his
belongings, especially his old boot, a relic of his street days. He scratches a
lot, even though he no longer has fleas. He firmly believes that anything on
his terrier-tory is his. Foxie is the
father of Polly Smote’s litter in Inspector
Freddy “Fingers”
Wysell moves into “Hidden House”, an empty house near the station in The Blue Stealer.
Gloria Smote. A friend of Auntie Tidge’s. She owns Polly the
dachshund, and lives down near the river. She’s a bit fussy, and has sharp
little teeth like Polly’s.
Inspector Cook is
a police officer from the Art Fraud Department. He comes to Doggeroo on the
trail of some stolen paintings of dogs taken from the City Museum. He likes
salami and cake, and is suspicious of everyone. He lives with Inspector
Jacques, a French bulldog.
Inspector Jacques is
a French bulldog. He belongs to Inspector Cook of the Art Fraud Department, and
has a high opinion of his own detection skills. Jacques wears a fang-defying
Inspector Kipper,
or “Kipps”, is the police inspector Sarge used to work with in the city. They
are quite good friends. Kipps comes to Sarge’s and Caterina’s party in The Blue Stealer, and telephones Sarge
in Inspector Jacques.
Jack and Jill Johnson
live at the station where Jack is Station Master. They help out at the Dog
and Sausage Day in The Sausage Situation.
Jill Russell lives with them.
Jack Russell: Dog
Detective. Hero and narrator of the series.
Jackie, Wednesday and
Trump are daughters of Jack and Jill Russell. They are Preacher’s
litter-sisters. Trump lives in Jeandabah with Dr Jeanie, the vet.
Jill Russell: A
female Jack Russell Terrier who lives at the station with Jack and Jill
Johnson. Jack is fond of Jill, who treats him offhandedly but respects and
likes him. Jill is the mother of Jack’s pups, Jackie, Wednesday, Trump and
Preacher. She has road sense.
Katya Gibbs. Also
known as High Heels. Judge Gibbs’ wife. She appears in The Phantom Mudder and The Kitnapped Creature.
Kiarna is
Caterina Smith’s niece. She has red hair and she loves dogs. She’s one of Red’s
favourite people. Kiarna appears in The
Ham Heist.
Kitty Booker is
the librarian at Doggeroo Library. She owns Fat Molly. She and Auntie Tidge are
Lord Setter of Uptown
House. Known as “Red” or “Lord Red” to Jack and as “Lordie” to most humans,
Red is a scatter-brained and enthusiastic setter. He is impulsive and sometimes
silly, but he becomes good friends with Jack. In Book 12, Jack is quite looking
forward to sharing quarters with him. Red has a long pedigree, and is a show
dog. He wins championship ribbons and awards.
Mr Latiman is a
grumpy man who owns three Boneheads. Sarge and Jack meet him at Doggeroo Dog
Show in The Phantom Mudder.
High Heels is the
name Jack gives to Katya, the judge’s wife at Doggeroo Dog Show in The Phantom Mudder.
Muddy Boots owns a Bonehead. Sarge and Jack meet him at
Doggeroo Dog Show in The Phantom Mudder. His
real name is Mr Bootle.
The Not-dog is a
mysterious stranger Jack trails in Fowl
Painter is a
Painted Setter, son of a dog named Painter’s Pride.
Caterina buys him for Uncle Smith in Inspector
The Phantom Mudder
appears in The Phantom Mudder. The
Mudder is a mysterious person who makes the dogs muddy and almost spoils
Doggeroo Dog Show.
The Pie Person
feeds Jack some pie in The Mugged Pug.
Polly Smote. A
sharp-natured dachshund, Polly belongs to Gloria Smote on the other side of the
river from Jack. She’s fond of her owner, and is good friends with Jill
Russell. She treats Jack and Foxie to sharp comments, but she’s a loyal member
of the Jack-pack. She has a litter of sprats with Foxie. Most of the pups look
like Polly, but one, Spotty Sprat, looks (and acts) like her dad.
The Postman (1)
is the original Doggeroo postman. The dogs play the Postman Game with him.
The Postman (2)
is the new Doggeroo postman, “The Lying Postman”. He’s not too fond of dogs.
The Postman (3)
is another new postman. His brother is a police inspector.
Preacher is
Jack’s son with Jill Russell. He’s a new-born pup in The Buried Biscuits, and comes to live with Jack and Sarge in The Kitnapped Creature. Preacher is a
happy little dog who waggles his tail and grins a lot. He loves treats and is
inclined to be pawtly. He can be a bit timid, but shows signs of being a
detective like Jack.
The Pug Mugger
mugs dogs and steals their collars. The Pug Mugger appears in The Mugged Pug.
Ralf Boxer is a
doughty chihuahua who bites the postman’s boot in The Lying Postman. Because Ralf is so small, he is very much aware
of his rights. He is best friends with the Ruthless Rooster, whom he met in Fowl Play. Ralf lives with Tina Boxer.
Ranger Jack (real
name Johnny Wolf) is the dog control officer at Doggeroo. He is generally understanding
about dogs being out and about, but he does insist they should wear their
collars. Ranger Jack causes some trouble to the dogs in The Mugged Pug but is their ally in The Kitnapped Creature.
The Ruthless Rooster
is the ferocious rooster that scares Ralf Boxer in Fowl Play. They later become friends. The Rooster is inclined to zoom
its head and say GLOCK!
Shuffle is a pug.
He wheezes and waddles about, and is inclined to melancholy. He lives with
Walter Barkley and his pet hen down by the reserve. Shuffle is the victim in The Mugged Pug and is burgled in The Blue Stealer. He has a fondness for
sardine sandwiches and roast chicken.
Spotty Sprat is a
daughter of Polly Smote and Foxie. She is small, spotty and already obsessed
with an old shoe, just like her dad.
The Squekes are
three hairy little dogs that yaffle about busily. They live with Dora Barkins.
Most of the time they are brave, but they can be intimidated by scary things
with claws. They love to chase things, and enjoy playing with a plastic chop.
They always operate as a team.
Stick and Kick are
two Doggeroo boys who love biscuits.
Tina Boxer keeps
the small shop. She lives in what was a deserted house when Jack arrived in
Doggeroo. Tina is another friend of Auntie Tidge’s. She lives with Ralf Boxer
and the Ruthless Rooster. Tina is a member of the Fowl Club.
Walter Barkley.
Walter lives down by the reserve with Shuffle, his pug. He’s elderly, but keeps
involved in the community. He rides a bicycle, and belongs to the Fowl Club. He
has a pet free-range hen. Walter’s place is burgled in The Blue Stealer.
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